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    Members include Dave "Brownsound"Baksh, guitar, vocals; Steve "Stevo 32"Jocz, drums; Jason "Cone"McCaslin (born in 1980 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada), bass; Deryck "Bizzy D"Whibley, guitar, vocals.

    Addresses: Record company--Island Records, 825 Eighth Ave., New York, NY 10019. Website--Sum 41 Official Website: http://www.sum41.com.

    Forty-one days into their 1996 summer vacation, Canadian high school juniors Steve Jocz and Deryck Whibley formed a band they called Sum 41 to signify the day.

    Later they wondered if maybe they couldn't have come up with a better name. But the short, catchy name seemed right somehow for a quartet that plays short, catchy pop-punk rock tunes. Within months of releasing their first LP in 2001, Sum 41 gained popularity so rapidly in the United States and elsewhere that they went from opening for o